How to Set up Auto Replies on Facebook Marketplace (Step by Step)

Follow these steps to set up your Nerdy Panda account and start replying to messages on FB Marketplace using AI today!

0. Send us one of the listings you have one Facebook Marketplace

  • Copy the link of one of your listings and send it to us via Facebook Messenger here so we can help you via chat during the setup process. 

1. Fill out your “General Description” Section

  • On your dashboard go to settings and fill out the General Description field with general information about your business such as:
    • Website:
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Physical address
    • Shipping options
    • Financing options
    • If all your products are available
    • etc…

2. Fill out your “Instructions” and “Max number of messages” Section

  • Here we will give the nerdy panda instructions on what to do and what not to do and under what situations. For example:
    • Never accept or reject offers people make, always say you need to ask the supervisor and say you will get back to them
    • Don’t agree on a time to view the property, ask when would it suit them and if you can have their phone number.
    • When answering the first question ask them what their budget is
  • We recommend setting the max number of messages per conversation to make sure no user uses up more messages than needed.

3. Create a Listing on Your Dashboard for Each Listing on your FB Marketplace

  • Here we will give Nerdy Panda instructions on what to do and what not to do and under what situations. For example:
    • Never accept or reject offers people make, always say you need to ask the supervisor and say you will get back to them
    • Don’t agree on a time to view the property, ask when would it suit them and if you can have their phone number.
    • When answering the first question ask them what their budget is

4. Download the Messenger App on your Android Phone or Tablet 

  • Download the Messenger app from the Play Store or by clicking here. Then sign in to your account. The auto replies will be sent through the notifications you receive through this app, so we need to make sure you receive a notification each time you receive a message.

5. Connect your Nerdy Panda Account with Your Facebook Marketplace Account

  • You will need an android device for this connection. Unfortunately it is not possible to make the conection using iOS, but a cheap android device is enough. It always needs to be ON and connected to the internet.
  • Download this app on your android device 
  • Please watch this video for detailed instructions:

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